Interactive map of 5G Corridors projects

This map lists our projects showing how deploying 5G cross-border corridors along transport paths throughout Europe is expected to contribute to the green and digital transformation of the EU economy and society.

In particular, 5G-enabled Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) is seen as a major enabler for improved road safety, optimised road traffic, reduced CO₂ emissions, and industrial competitiveness of both the transport and mobility sectors.

CEF-Digital funded 5G corridor projects Call 1 & 2 & 3 – v1 (7)

What is the GUIDE project?

The ambition of the GUIDE project is to bring together the relevant stakeholders from the ecosystem of the 5G Corridors across the European Union (EU) and to help them get the maximum value from the CEF Digital programme, ensuring that future CEF Digital work programmes progressively address the actual needs of the stakeholder communities. The GUIDE project will also coordinate the development of the 5G Strategic Deployment Agenda (SDA) in the area of 5G for CAM and facilitate the CEF Digital 5G Corridors topic future project pipelines based on the evolution of the SDA. The GUIDE project will address the development of technology deployment roadmaps, cooperation models and best-practice approaches by combining the inputs from the CEF projects with the stakeholder views.

The GUIDE project will capture and share the best practices of the 1st round of CEF 5G Corridors study and deployment projects to achieve common approaches leading to a consistent deployment across the EU.

What is the ambition of the GUIDE project?

The ambition of the GUIDE project is to contribute to many support tasks such as:

  1. Improve the overall program consistency of deployment projects
  2. Facilitate best practices exchange among the deployment projects
  3. Setup project pipelines and build communities of interest
  4. Aid the definition of deployment scenarios and cooperation models
  5. Stimulate and facilitate the preparation of 5G Corridor projects
  6. Steering the overall process in line with the objectives of the CEF Digital Work Programme 2021-2023
  7. Liaise with member states to capture their priorities
  8. Develop 5G Strategic Deployment Agenda updates in the areas of road and rail
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